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This site is unique. There is very little content available that describes the application support organization. Some of the content is available for all readers, but much of the content can only be accessed by members. The content on this website can be read by individual readers with the following restrictions:

  • The content on this website may not be republished without the expressed permission of TenStep, Inc., except in accordance with "fair-use" provisions.

The content on this website is copyright protected with the United States Copyright Office. Companies or organizations utilizing this material in violation of these terms and conditions are subject to penalties and damages of up to $100,000 USD, in accordance with United States of America copyright laws. If there are any questions regarding fair use of the material on this website, please contact TenStep, Inc. at admin@TenStep.com.

There is no explicit or implicit guarantee or warranty associated with this process or the material contained in this website. The SupportStep™ Application Support Framework reflects best practices and the accumulated wisdom of the author.

Product info: application support, project management, portfolio management, project office, PMO, program management training, project lifecycle management, program consulting, methodology development, project management training